Transformer & associated equipments connected in the network is normally a complex and delicate systems. The protection of system & people working around it, is reliable opertaion to meet the expectations of users is extremely important. Here comes the role of Transformer Control & Relay Panels.
Complete designing CONCEPT to COMMISSIONING is undertaken, keeping in view the simplicity & ease of operation, high reliability & timely performance. In the early stages of Project, the requirments are known only in general sense. NUCON undertakes such development & designing, supply & commissionings to meet voltage ranges upto 132 KV class. We also undertake to supply Control & Relay Panels for line Feeders, Transformers, Bus Couplers Transfer Breakers of varius system voltages.
NUCON has supplied large number of Control & Relay Panels to clients spread over number of countries in varius sector. The equipment has been supplied both for green fields & refurbished projects.